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Summer Camp 2013

Summer Camp 2013

Summer Camp 2013

Summer Camp: Jogjakarta Mei – Juni 2013.

After having successful implementation of the 2012 Summer Camp Sawahlunto, the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung had jointly organized with the College of Design Construction and Planning University Florida the second Summer Camp 2013. The program of the Summer Camp 2013 was substantially combined and readjusted with the East Asia (EA) Program 2013. It took place from 28 May until 18 June 2013 in Jogjakarta. On this special occasion we keenly worked together with our local partner the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, University Gadjah Mada, as we also did with the local municipality of Sawahlunto for the Summer Camp 2012. Unlike the previous Summer Camp of 2012, which was attended by a number of students from Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Historic Preservation and Urban Planning, the Summer Camp of 2013 were mostly dominated by the participants with their background of either Architecture or Urban Design.

The Summer Camp will be yearly offered since 2012 to all students of SAPPD ITB to participate with. The activities of this event are mostly planning- and design-based workshop, which is characterized by the involvement of multi-disciplines or backgrounds within the realm of Planning, Design and Policy. The collaborative workshop are planned to be praxis-oriented rather than theory-based classes. It should address specific issues on urban problems.

In the second Summer Camp 2013, we had chosen Jogjakarta as our case study, in which three types of urban fabrics were meticulously analysed. With the topic “Theatre of Memory”, the collaborative design studio focused on new possible interventions in three different urban areas. These are nDalem Pudjokusuman (a former traditional historic Javanese noble residence, which constitutes the urban morphology of Jogjakarta), the historic area of Taman Sari (the former water castle of Jogjakarta) with its existing ruins, and the well-known pottery village Kasongan.

In this project, the students investigated one of Asia’s most treasured cities, where the challenge between various efforts to preserve and the speed of change through heavy commercialization is not atypical for developing cities.  Often, as one observes, the disagreement and agreement between the past and the present has never been properly resolved; this surely leaves the past remnants fading, and the present enthusiasms bewildered.  The joint collaborative studio proposes to intersect the two; allowing the juxtaposition to open multifaceted possibilities in design, its uses, and socio-cultural interpretations.  Under the supervising of the tutors, participants were asked to explore this intersection or interaction to stitch, allowing historical components to reach out and the contemporary components to infiltrate what was [and still is] revered, thus complementing each other.

On behalf of the SAPPD ITB, we would like to express our gratitude to all the students and participants, who had patiently and intensively worked out the projects, to Prof. Albertus Wang, AIA and Martin Gold, AIA (DCP Univ. Florida), Prof. Dr. Bakti Setiawan, MURP (Head of the Architecture Department, Univ. Gadjah Mada), Dr.Eng. Ikaputra (Univ. Gadjah Mada),  and Dr.-Ing. Heru W. Poerbo (SAPPD ITB) and those who had devotedly and enthusiastically supported the yearly event, through lecturing, tutoring and supervising the students. We do really hope that we will be able to maintain the multi-culti academic engagement in the future.

Last but not least, I cordially invite you to take a closer look of what our future generations underwent and experienced in the last Summer Camp 2013.

Summer Camp Jogjakarta, Mei-Juni 2013


Program Studi Arsitektur Lanskap,  SAPPK ITB

Architecture Department, College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida

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