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Summer Course – International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021

Summer Course – International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021

Summer Course – International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021

Summer Course – International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021
Creative Culture and Urban Commons

Program Studi Arsitektur, Institut Teknologi Bandung bekerjasama dengan Architecture School of the University of Auckland, New Zealand menyelenggarakan Summer Course pada tanggal 9-20 Agustus 2021 dengan topik “Creative Culture and Urban Commons”. Workshop virtual ini mengambil studi kasus di Majalengka, Indonesia, dimana kerajinan terakota menjadi produk lokal yang tidak hanya menjadi warna dari wajah daerah tersebut, namun juga berpotensi menjadi penggerak perekonomian warganya. Kami mengundang mahasiswa untuk bersama-sama menggali potensi daerah ini, mendiskusikannya dengan para ahli dan tokoh masyarakat, dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam suatu usulan desain atau perencanaan.

Pendaftaran dibuka pada 19-30 Juli 2021, terbatas untuk 30 mahasiswa dalam negeri dan 10 mahasiswa asing. Mahasiswa akan mendapatkan 4 SKS dalam program ini sebagai matakuliah pilihan untuk Program MBKM.

Link pendaftaran: https://admission.itb.ac.id/registration/nonreguler


Creative movement, on one side, contributes to generate an artistic concern for urban design and planning (Landry, 2008; Fahmi, 2017; Kim, 2017). But on the other side, it brings controversies due to its incapability to give economic leverage to the people (Moreti, 2013; Novy & Colomb, 2012). Understanding urban commons opens an opportunity to redirect creative movement, as a collective action of making artistic decisions in the urban development plan, to give economic and social benefit for the urban life.

Taking the case of the Terracotta City Movement in Majalengka, Indonesia and tentatively several creative places in Auckland, New Zealand, this Summer Course aims to exercise ideas and approaches to support local creatives in enhancing the quality of urban life. This course is a hybrid of course and workshop, brought by a collaboration between Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Participants would be students from both universities and other universities in Indonesia as it is open to the public. This course invites final-year undergraduate and also postgraduate students in Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Development Studies, and other disciplines related to urban revitalization issues. This course expects students to collaborate with their peers and discuss any concerns with the stakeholders to initiate creative urban development ideas and strategies to support collective actions and urban commons.

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