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Program Studi Doktor Arsitektur ITB

Program Studi Doktor Arsitektur ITB

Architectural knowledge is dynamic and develops in line with the changing demands of human needs, developments in science and technology and natural conditions. Therefore, the curriculum for undergraduate, master and doctoral education in the field of architecture must anticipate a shift in the architectural design paradigm, the development of architectural knowledge and discourse in the development of globalization.

Study program Doctor Architecture at ITB is intended to prepare participants to become independent researchers, able to contribute to architectural scientific development, and to be active in disseminating scientific development results through scientific publications.

Kurikulum 2013-2018 Program Doktor Arsitektur SAPPK ITB
Kurikulum 2008-2013 Program Doktor Arsitektur SAPPK ITB

Hanson E. Kusuma
5 Agustus 2013

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