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Kuliah Tamu

guest lecture

Kuliah Tamu Tesis Proyek 1 & Tesis Riset 1 🎓 Mahasiswa AR6101, AR6150, dan AR6190, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menambah wawasan di Kuliah Tamu Semester 1 TA 2024/2025 yang akan mengangkat tema: “Perancangan Arsitektur dengan Pendekatan Perilaku”. 🗣️ Pembicara: Prof. Paramita Atmodiwirjo, S.T., M.Arch. Universitas Indonesia đź“…Jumat, 20 September 2024 🕰️ 07.30 – 09.00 WIB […]



Kuliah Perdana Semester I TA 2024/2025 Program Studi Magister Arsitektur Program Studi Doktor Arsitektur Program Studi Arsitektur Lanskap Program Studi Magister Rancang Kota Oleh Agenda: Pejelasan tentang Program Studi Pejelasan tentang Kelompok Keahlian General Lecture oleh Wali Kota Makassar Pengalaman Studi Alumni Oleh : Ir. M. Ramdhan Pomanto, Wali Kota Makassar Topik Kuliah: Desain dan […]

[first prize] Nama Sayembara: Penataan Taman Tematik Menuju Kota Bandung Maju Berkelanjutan

Judul Karya: Simpul Lestari Lokasi: Pulau Jalan Simpang Buah Batu (Jl. Terusan Buah Batu, Kelurahan Batununggal, Kecamatan Bandung Kidul) Tanggal: 4 September 2024 Deskripsi: Simpul Lestari adalah penyegaran. Penyegaran bagi seluruh dimensi pokok yang berperan utama pada area pulau jalan buah batu yaitu; penyegaran lingkungan, penyegaran lalu lintas, serta penyegaran komunitas. Penyegaran dilakukan dengan meningkatkan […]


Program Studi Arsitektur SAPPK ITB telah mengadakan Summer Workshop 2024 bertema “Braga Community Placemaking” dari tanggal 1-14 Agustus secara daring, dan 15-21 Agustus secara luring. Summer Workshop ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari Taylor’s College dan Arsitektur ITB, dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman tentang aktivasi tempat. Dengan fokus pada Healthy Placemaking dan Digital Placemaking, kegiatan ini melibatkan […]

Pengungkapan Transsamudera Cerita Arsitektur Tenun (Dia)

Transoceanic Disclose Weaving Architecture (Her)stories

Transoceanic Disclose Weaving Architecture (Her)stories An exhibition that tells the stories and tales about the first generation of women architecture graduates in Indonesia. August 22nd - September 6th 2024 Galeri Campus Center Timur (East Campus Center Gallery) Institue Technology Bandung Jl. Ganeca No.10 Follow us for more at @herstoriesarch #architecture #architectureexhibition #Herstories #indonesiaarchitecture

SeminarNasional | Paguyuban Pelestarian Budaya Bandung

National Seminar | Bandung Cultural Preservation Association

"Preservation of Wooden Construction of Cultural Heritage Buildings: Challenges & Prospects" The Bandung Cultural Preservation Association in collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and the National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) held a National Seminar, "Preservation of Wooden Construction of Cultural Heritage Buildings: Challenges & Prospects" which will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at the Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung. This seminar was held to [...]

SAPPK Webinar 2024 - 5th session!

Energy-efficient building design cannot be actualized into a real building without appropriate, sometimes high-performance, building materials. As the need for energy-efficient buildings increases, so does the demand for effective building materials. However, not all materials for supposedly sustainable buildings are themselves sustainable. Thus, research and innovation in sustainable building materials are advancing rapidly. This rapid change sometimes makes it hard for architects to catch up with the technologies, although they are the ones who can implement the technologies into buildings. This webinar aims to introduce architects, planners, and other built environment stakeholders in SAPPD ITB to current developments and the research maps of sustainable material technologies. Topic: Sustainable Building Material Technologies Thursday, 18 July 2024 09.00 - 11.00 WIB (GMT+7) Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Labtek IXA SAPPK ITB & Zoom Meeting Speakers: 1. Dr. Hasila Jarimi , Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: "Phase Change Material (PCM) integrated into buildings" 2. Victoriano Jonathan Lendeng, M.T. - Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ITB: "Cow Manure Utilization Using Hydrothermal Process: From Outhouse Into House" 3. Permana, S.T., M.T. - Building Technology Research Group, ITB: “Green Innovation in House Construction for Sustainable Modular Wood Utilization. Case Study: Sekolah Alam Bandung” 4. Dr. Ir. Lily Tambunan, M.T. - Building Technology Research Group, ITB "Utilization of Urban Solid Waste as Sustainable Building Materials" Moderator: Dewi Larasati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Building Technology Research Group) Zoom Meeting Link: bit.ly/WEBINARsappk24_5 Virtual Background Link: bit.ly/VBGsappk24 Zoom meeting will be open at 08.45 WIB. Free e-certificate are provided for the attendees. See you at the webinar!



SAINT GOBAIN ARCHITECTURE STUDENT COMPETITION: 19th INTERNATIONAL EDITION, HELSINKI 2024 PARTICIPANTS Raymond Kurniawan, Fabian Hosea, Zefanya Budhiarti Tirta Hasmanan MENTOR Dr. Eng. Mochamad Donny Koerniawan, S.T, M.T. (@dkoerniawan ) -The Green Belt: A Fusion of Nature and Innovation- Situated in the vibrant heart of Vikki, Helsinki, The Green Belt emerges as a pioneering architectural marvel, seamlessly blending into the surrounding ecosystem while embodying sustainable living principles. Inspired by the rich tapestry of its surroundings, this project serves as a bridge between the esteemed Vikki Science Park and the environmentally conscious Eco-Vikki Residential Complex.

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