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“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

Displaying design studio assignments and architectural workshops, both at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, which were prepared for the KAAB international accreditation visitation at the end of 2024. This exhibition will be held on: ?️ Saturday, 4 Jan to Saturday, 11 Jan 2025 (1 week only!) ⏰ 09.00-16.00 WIB ? AR Gallery ITB, Labtek IX-B 1st floor, ITB [...]

[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

This time, @placemaking.id had the opportunity to collaborate with OCG Japan, BITA and MRT-J for an activation project of the HI Bundaran MRT Station. This activity took place from December 23-26, 2024, from 10-17. This activity is a valuable experience for students in developing soft skills, communicating, collaborating, putting forward ideas, and applying a placemaking approach.

Pameran Joint Studio: ITB-Melbourne University-University of Stuttgart

Pameran Joint Studio: ITB-Melbourne University-University of Stuttgart

On Friday, 28 February 2020, the Joint Studio Exhibition was opened, featuring the work of students from three universities, namely ITB, University of Melbourne, and University of Stuttgart. The exhibition was opened directly by the Dean of the University of Melbourne, Prof. Julie Willis, after remarks given by the Institute Secretary, Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo and remarks in video form from Prof. […]

Pameran Mata Kuliah Kolaborasi 6 Program Studi

Collaboration Course Exhibition for 6 Study Programs

Six study programs from five faculties, namely: Architecture (SAPPK), Civil Engineering (FTSL), Mechanical Engineering (FTMD), Engineering, Electrical Engineering (STEI), Environmental Engineering (FTSL) and Interior Design (FSRD) in the first semester of 2019-2020 held a collaboration for an elective course with the topic: Collaborative Inter-Disciplinary Design Project for Energy Efficient Building with the aim of introducing collaborative work on environmental projects [...]

Pameran Tugas 2 Studio Perancangan Arsitektur V

Assignment Exhibition 2 Architectural Design Studio V

Pameran tugas 2 Studio Perancangan Arsitektr V (AR-4090) pada 7-12 Desember 2019 merupakan tradisi pada setiap akhir semester dan dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan tugas berupa gambar-gambar dan maket. Pameran ini ditujukan selain untuk proses penilaian oleh para dosen pembimbing, juga sebagai ajang untuk mendapatkan masukan dan review dari khalayak. Di semester I tahun ajaran 2019/2020, […]

Pameran dan Diskusi Mahasiswa Angkatan 2016- 16-21 September 2019

Pameran dan Diskusi Mahasiswa Angkatan 2016- 16-21 September 2019

Para mahasiswa arsitektur angkatan 2016 mengadakan pameran dan diskusi pada 16-21 September 2019 bertempat di galeri arsitektur ITB. Arsitektur adalah hal yang sangat dekat dengan kita. Arsitektur hidup bukan hanya dari penggunanya, melainkan juga dari hal-hal yang berada di sekitarnya. Lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar, budaya, cuaca, ketinggian tanah, hingga sistem peraturan daerah setempat sangat berperan […]

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