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Architecture and Philosophy Books

Buku Arsitektur dan Filsafat

Architecture and Philosophy Books

Penyunting (Editor): Dr. Indah Widiastuti

ISBN: 978-602-74872-8-4, Penerbit: ITB, 2019

Why is philosophy necessary for architects? what is the mutual relevance between architecture with philosophy, and philosophy with architecture? How about philosophy can help architects understand the various contexts surrounding their work and profession – creativity, innovation, ethics, technology and society – especially in the world of architecture in the era of the 4th industrial revolution?

Diskusi terbuka ini akan mencoba menghampiri pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang bersifat perenial tersebut, melalui pembahasan buah pikir lima filsuf yang memiliki persinggungan dengan isu-isu arsitektur kontemporer dan utopia/distopia arsitektur masa depan, yaitu Friedrich Neitzsche, Michel Foucault, Deleuze-Guattari, dan Luce Irigaray.

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