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Kuliah Tamu AL6101 – Urban Landscape Ecology: Now and in the Future

Kuliah Tamu AL6101 – Urban Landscape Ecology: Now and in the Future

Program Studi Magister Arsitektur Lanskap ITB bersama Forum Pendidikan Arsitektur Lanskap Indonesia (FPALI) menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu AL6101 Metode Penelitian Arsitektur Lanskap bersama Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi Susilo Arifin, M.S. dengan topik “URBAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY: NOW AND IN THE FUTURE”. Acara akan diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, 3 Desember 2020 pukul 15.30-17.00 WIB melalui Zoom Meeting. Pendaftaran […]

Sesi 8 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

Sesi 8 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

SAPPK-ITB menyelenggarakan webinar kedua bertema Sustainable Development Goals in Built Environment Sesi #8 dengan judul “Strong Culture and Protected Heritage”. Webinar diisi oleh narasumber dari Kelompok Keahlian Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur SAPPK-ITB yaitu Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo Wibowo, S.T., M.T., Kelompok Keahlian Perancangan Arsitektur SAPPK-ITB yaitu Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo, serta Kelompok Keahlian Perencanaan […]

Sesi 3 – Pendekatan Budaya untuk Sains dan Teknologi: Belajar Dari Teori Jaringan-Aktor

Sesi 3 – Pendekatan Budaya untuk Sains dan Teknologi: Belajar Dari Teori Jaringan-Aktor

Mata kuliah AR6112 Budaya Lokal dan Perancangan Arsitektur mengadakan sebuah rangkaian kuliah publik yang dimulai pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2020 – 05 Desember 2020. Kuliah publik ini bertujuan untuk membuka akses kepada khalayak umum mengenai beberapa materi dalam mata kuliah Budaya Lokal dan Perancangan Arsitektur serta menghadirkan berbagai narasumber yang dapat memberikan tanggapan mengenai topik-topik […]

Kabar Duka – Ir. Indra Budiman Syamwil, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Sad News – Ir. Indra Budiman Syamwil, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rooji'uun. has passed away to Rahmatullah, Mr. Ir. Indra Budiman Syamwil, M.Sc., Ph.D. Architecture Lecturer, SAPPK ITB The deceased passed away to Rahmatullah today, Sunday, November 29 2020, at 09.34 at Boromeus Hospital. Prayers were offered at the Salman Mosque and then buried at Sirnaraga Cemetery Block B. Please forgive all the mistakes and mistakes of the deceased. Hopefully […]

Guest Lecture AR3112 Architectural Design Theory

The guest lecture event AR3112 Architectural Design Theory which will be held on Friday, 23 October 2020 must be attended by participants from the AR3112 course and participants from outside the AR3112 course are also allowed as long as capacity is sufficient. This guest lecture was opened and guided by Rr. Diah Asih Purwaningrum, ST., MT as moderator for the guest lecture. This event […]

The City in-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality

The City in-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality

In panel discussions with students from various universities, they will give exhibition tours and discuss their work, then Tisna Sanjaya (Visual Artist, Bandung) will convey her perspective through an art lens and the supervisory professors for the project “The City in-Between” discuss conditions of informality, sustainability and resilience (post )pandemic with urban experts from Indonesia […]

Virtual Design World Cup – The 10th Student BIM & VR Design Contest

Virtual Design World Cup – The 10th Student BIM & VR Design Contest

Congratulations to the "One Pace" Team of ITB Bachelor of Architecture students consisting of Muhammad Barkah (15217064), Thomas Handoko (15217006), Geofani Kurniawaty (15217008), Verencya Oktaviani (15216031), and Fran William (15217069) with supervisor Aswin Indraprastha, ST., MT., M.Eng., Ph.D. who has succeeded in getting the Honorable Mention (Future Capital Award) at the 10th […]

Sesi 1 Webinar ITB – IALI Jabar

Sesi 1 Webinar ITB – IALI Jabar

Sesi 1 Webinar ITB – IALI Jabar bersama Ibu Lilia S. Sukotjo (Advisory Board Prodi Magister Arsitektur Lanskap ITB dan Direktur Marketing PT. Alam Sutera Realty Tbk.) dengan topik: “Pendekatan Cultural Landscape dalam Perencanaan Lanskap” Kamis 19 November 2020 pukul 15.15-17.00 WIB Registrasi melalui: bit.ly/IALI-ITB-2020-01 (terbuka untuk umum)

Sesi 7 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

Sesi 7 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

SAPPK-ITB menyelenggarakan webinar kedua bertema Sustainable Development Goals in Built Environment Sesi #7 dengan judul “Creative and Innovative Enterprises & Sustainable Tourism”. Webinar diisi oleh narasumber dari Kelompok Keahlian Perancangan Arsitektur SAPPK-ITB yaitu Dr. Ir. Endang Triningsih, MSP., MLA., Dr. Firmansyah, ST., MT., dan Ir. Achmad Tardiyana, MUDD., serta dari Kelompok Keahlian Pengelolaan Pembangunan dan […]



Prodi Magister Rancang Kota, SAPPK – ITB menyelenggarakan Kuliah Umum RK5111 Prinsip-Prinsip Rancang Kota bersama narasumber Prof. (Emeritus) Ir. Moh. Danisworo M.Arch, MUP, Ph.D. (Prinsipal PSUD & PDW) dengan judul “Perkembangan Urban Desain di Indonesia”. Acara akan dilaksanakan hari Jumat, 20 November 2020 pukul 09.00-11.00 WIB via Zoom Meeting. Link Zoom dapat diakses melalui bit.ly/urbandesainindonesiaitb

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