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Pengembangan Properti dan Desain Apartemen

Pengembangan Properti dan Desain Apartemen

Program Studi Arsitektur ITB mengundang seluruh mahasiswa dan dosen untuk menghadiri Kuliah Tamu dengan tema: “Pengembangan Properti dan Desain Apartemen” 📅 Hari/Tanggal: Senin, 10 Maret 2025 ⏰ Waktu: 08.00 – 09.30 WIB 📍 Tempat: Galeri Arsitektur, Labtek IXB, Institut Teknologi Bandung Pembicara: Nurul Ilmi, S.T. (Project Manager PT Adhi Karya Property Tbk.) Materi yang akan […]

AR 3112 Semester II 2024-2025

AR 3112 Semester II 2024-2025

Semester II 2024-2025 AR3112 course is back! 🚀 An opportunity to understand how old buildings can have new functions with the Adaptive Reuse Architecture approach. In this lecture, we will discuss how the utilization of historic buildings can be maintained through proper technical calculations and regulations. 📅 First lecture: 🗓️ Friday, February 21, 2025 ⏰ […]

ITB-LU Doctoral Research Webinar Series

ITB-LU Doctoral Research Webinar Series

Join us on 17 January 2025, 15:30 WIB (08:30 GMT) for insightful discussions with PhD students from ITB and Loughborough University! 🗣 Speakers & Topics: – Musaad Alruwaili: Health and Safety in Saudi Construction Industry – Furry Andini Wilis: Application of Green Building Concept in Vertical Housing Construction Using Cost Benefit Analysis – Meifrinaldi: Stakeholder […]

“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

Displaying design studio assignments and architectural workshops, both at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, which were prepared for the KAAB international accreditation visitation at the end of 2024. This exhibition will be held on: ?️ Saturday, 4 Jan to Saturday, 11 Jan 2025 (1 week only!) ⏰ 09.00-16.00 WIB ? AR Gallery ITB, Labtek IX-B 1st floor, ITB [...]

Hello, Future ITB Students!✨


Are you ready to pursue your dreams with ITB? Come on, join the ITB Education Open House 2025! ? Date: January 3-5, 2025 ? Location: Sabuga, Bandung ? What the hell can you explore here? ✔️ More info about undergraduate, graduate, and non-degree but certified ✔️ programs Get to know the faculties & study programs in [...]

[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

This time, @placemaking.id had the opportunity to collaborate with OCG Japan, BITA and MRT-J for an activation project of the HI Bundaran MRT Station. This activity took place from December 23-26, 2024, from 10-17. This activity is a valuable experience for students in developing soft skills, communicating, collaborating, putting forward ideas, and applying a placemaking approach.



"COVIDTECTURE: How Architecture Students See Pandemic" is the agenda for ITB architecture students class of 2018. In this agenda, students are expected to participate in activities in the form of internal competitions related to how architecture responds to the challenges of the pandemic crisis. This activity seeks to spark ideas and celebrate architecture as a form of knowledge that is always interesting to continue to explore together. Like Le Corbusier's theories [...]

FGD: Rumah Toko dalam Tata Ruang Kota

FGD: Rumah Toko dalam Tata Ruang Kota

Pada tanggal 14 November 2018 telah dilakukan Forum Group Dicussion (FGD) dengan judul: RUMAH TOKO DALAM TATA RUANG KOTA. FGD ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan penelitian dalam Program Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dan Inovasi (P3MI) Kelompok Keahlian ITB tahun 2018 dari Kelompok Keahlian Perumahan Permukiman (KKPP) dengan judul: “Konsepsi Tatakota Rumah Toko Untuk Kota Bandung” […]

i-CAPS 2018

i-CAPS 2018

Kabar baik bagi kamu yang sedang mencari pengalaman merancang dan membuat prototipe secara real  dengan kelompok dan latar belakang majemuk sebelum menjejaki dunia kerja. International Student Joint Capstone Design Project (i-CAPS) dan International Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp (d-CAMP) merupakan program kerja sama antara 5 universitas ; Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia), Nanyang […]

Twin Tower Office | Ardian Hario W.

Twin Tower Office | Ardian Hario W.   Issue Kawasan kemayoran merupakan area rencana super block dengan fungsi komersil, hunian, dan perkantoran. kawasan ini dibagi menjadi 3 site, dimana pusatnya berada pada site Menara Jakarta. desain yang diharapkan tidak melebihi atau menyaingi Menara Jakarta, justru harus mendukung keberadaan bangunan yang akan menjadi vocal point kawasan […]

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