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[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

[ALON ALON – MK Placemaking and Social Experiment]

This time, @placemaking.id had the opportunity to collaborate with OCG Japan, BITA and MRT-J for an activation project of the HI Bundaran MRT Station. This activity took place from December 23-26, 2024, from 10-17. This activity is a valuable experience for students in developing soft skills, communicating, collaborating, putting forward ideas, and applying a placemaking approach.



Ingin melanjutkan perjalanan karier di bidang arsitektur? Institut Teknologi Bandung membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) untuk Semester Genap TA 2024/2025! Tahapan Pendaftaran: Pendaftaran: 29 Oktober 2024 – 13 Januari 2025 Seleksi Program Studi: 15 Januari 2025 Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi: 21 Januari 2025 Pendaftaran Ulang: 22 – 28 Januari 2025 […]



Collaboration between Ditmawa ITB, SAPPK, and Bank BTN Halo Housingpreneur! ?✨ Come on, increase your entrepreneurial spirit with BTN Housingpreneur! This event is open to housing developers, related industry players, students, and the general public. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with the BTN Housingpreneur ecosystem spread throughout Indonesia. Register now and start your journey to success! ?: […]

ITB – Loughborough University Doctoral Research Webinar Series

ITB – Loughborough University Doctoral Research Webinar Series

We are pleased to invite you to join the ITB – LU Doctoral Research Webinar Series! This event will feature discussions on sustainable and low-energy residential building practices, information integrity in construction, and innovative project delivery systems. ? Speakers: Amr Suliman (Loughborough University) “Synergies Towards Achieving Low Energy Residential Buildings: A Comparative Case between the […]

1st Winner of Horizon Mulawarman 2024 National Architecture Competition by Himarsi Universitas Mulawarman

1st Winner of Horizon Mulawarman 2024 National Architecture Competition by Himarsi Universitas Mulawarman

DESIGN TEAM Muhammad Naufal Afif, Brian Maputa Kurniawan & Ida Bagus Dwijendra MENTOR Dr. Eng. Mochamad Donny Koerniawan, S.T., M.T. (@dkoerniawan) Sam(AR)inda EcoGrid Plaza is a groundbreaking architectural project that redefines city squares into interactive and sustainable hubs using Augmented Reality (AR). Featuring the SAP-P! app for an enriched visitor experience, the plaza invites communities, […]

program pengembangan kawasan di Kampung Wisata Nelayan Pulau Papan, Kepulauan Togean, Sulawesi Tengah

area development program in the Pulau Papan Fishermen Tourism Village, Togean Islands, Central Sulawesi

The ITB Architecture Study Program through the PPMI SAPPK ITB program, in collaboration with the Department of Architectural Engineering, Tadulako University, carried out an area development program in the Papan Island Fishermen's Tourism Village, Togean Islands, Central Sulawesi. This project focuses on three main aspects: the provision of new and renewable energy, the development of a regional master plan, and the construction of green area facilities. This collaboration is led by [...]

Mengusung Isu Teknologi Modular dan BIM, Tim Mahasiswa Arsitektur ITB Menjadi Juara 1 di Malaysia

Mengusung Isu Teknologi Modular dan BIM, Tim Mahasiswa Arsitektur ITB Menjadi Juara 1 di Malaysia

Tim mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Arsitektur – SAPPK ITB menjadi juara pertama poster presentation competition pada acara ASEAN Quantity Surveyors Association (AQSA) Research and Education Conference 2024. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia pada tanggal 19-20 November 2024. Tim mahasiswa beranggotakan M. Syarief Nur Hakim, Amelia R. Widijanto, M. Fajri Bukhaira, […]

Honorable Mention di Kompetisi Internasional Street Design Challenge 2024

Honorable Mention di Kompetisi Internasional Street Design Challenge 2024

9 orang mahasiswa Arsitektur ITB (SAPPK) @architecture.itb @sappk.itb berkolaborasi dengan 9 orang mahasiswa Desain Produk FSRD ITB @desainproduk.itb @itb1920 yang terbagi dalam 3 grup mendapat penghargaan “Honorable Mention di Kompetisi Internasional Street Design Challenge 2024”. “Daftar Mahasiswa” Kelompok 1 : 1. Gaviota Natalie, 17521029, Desain Produk 2. Kirana Kalena,17522006,Desain Produk 3. Danesh Laskhar Bhuana 17521022, […]

Kuliah Tamu: Pengalaman & Pembelajaran dalam Mata Kuliah Tesis Arsitektur

Kuliah Tamu: Pengalaman & Pembelajaran dalam Mata Kuliah Tesis Arsitektur

Program Studi Arsitektur ITB mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti Kuliah Tamu yang akan membahas pengalaman dan pembelajaran dalam menyelesaikan mata kuliah Tesis Arsitektur. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan wawasan langsung dari alumni yang telah melalui proses ini! ? Pembicara: Naufal Ariq Pangarsa, S. Ars., M. Ars. Youla Ela Kafila, S. Ars., M. Ars. ? Jadwal: ?️ […]

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