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The ITB Architecture Study Program held a guest lecture AR5290 – Design Studio 2 Semester II -2020/2021 with Dr. -Eng. M. Donny Koerniawan, S.T., M.T. (Architectural Researcher, KK Building Technology ITB Architecture Study Program) with the topic Low Carbon. The lecture was held Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 15.30-17.30 WIB via zoom for ITB architecture students. For other participants […]



The Bandung Institute of Technology School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development will hold SAPPD TALK with the tagline "Stay Positive, Productive, Competitive" on Friday, March 19 2021 at 16.00 - 17.00 WIB via zoom meeting. The event will be attended by SAPPD students from both architecture and regional and city planning study programs. Speaker Roiswahid Dimas Pangestu (AR […]

Kuliah Tamu SAPPK #3

SAPPK Guest Lecture #3

The Bandung Institute of Technology's School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development held a TPB #3 Guest Lecture with Mrs. Yurina Rahmanisa ST. (Principal Architect Placebo) and Mrs. Ika Retna Wulandary, ST., M.Sc (Plt. Regional Director III Deputy for Regional Development, BAPPENAS) with presentation and discussion topics regarding: job description of each profession, scope and challenges of work, career opportunities, and […]

Kuliah Tamu AR4213 – Pelestarian Arsitektur: Pelestarian Bangunan Cagar Budaya, Studi Kasus Masjid Langgar Tinggi, Jakarta

Guest Lecture AR4213 – Architectural Preservation: Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings, Case Study of the Langgar Tinggi Mosque, Jakarta

The ITB Architecture Study Program held a guest lecture AR4213 – Architectural Conservation, with Mr. Danang Triratmoko, IAI, with the topic: Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings, Case Study of the Langgar Tinggi Mosque, Jakarta. The lecture was held Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 07.00-08.40 WIB via Zoom for students participating in the lecture. Other participants can join via YouTube at the ITB Architecture Study Program.

Kuliah Umum RK5211 Studi Kasus dalam Rancang Kota: Pengalaman dalam penyusunan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN) Danau Toba

Public Lecture RK5211 Case Study in City Design: Experience in preparing a Detailed Spatial Plan for the Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN)

Public Lecture RK5211 Case Studies in City Design with Mrs. Ir. DS Pangestuti Harianto, MCRP with the topic Experience in preparing the Detailed Spatial Plan for the Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN). The public lecture will be held on Tuesday 16 March 2021 via zoom (open to internal members).



Understanding the substance of cultural heritage areas, conservation approaches and methods for assessing the built environment as cultural heritage based on authenticity and integrity, in order to open new perspectives in discussions of conservation and the built environment are discussed in this book. Four cities are case studies, namely Sawahlunto, Kota Tua Jakarta, Kota Lama Semarang, and Lasem. Written by Widjaja Martokusumo […]

Sesi 4 – Pendekatan Budaya untuk Inovasi, Kemaslahatan Teknologi dan Desain

Sesi 4 – Pendekatan Budaya untuk Inovasi, Kemaslahatan Teknologi dan Desain

Program Studi Magister Arsitektur ITB menyelenggarakan Webinar AR6112 Budaya Lokal dan Perancangan Arsitektur Sesi 4 bersama Dr. Agus S. Ekomadyo S.T., M.T. sebagai pembicara utama dan Wilmar A. Salim, S.T., M.Reg.Dev., Ph.D. sebagai penanggap. Kegiatan ini terbuka untuk umum dan akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 5 Desember 2020 pada pukul 13.00 – 15.00 WIB melalui […]

Kuliah Tamu AL6101 – Urban Landscape Ecology: Now and in the Future

Kuliah Tamu AL6101 – Urban Landscape Ecology: Now and in the Future

Program Studi Magister Arsitektur Lanskap ITB bersama Forum Pendidikan Arsitektur Lanskap Indonesia (FPALI) menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu AL6101 Metode Penelitian Arsitektur Lanskap bersama Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi Susilo Arifin, M.S. dengan topik “URBAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY: NOW AND IN THE FUTURE”. Acara akan diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, 3 Desember 2020 pukul 15.30-17.00 WIB melalui Zoom Meeting. Pendaftaran […]

Sesi 8 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

Sesi 8 – WEBINAR #2 SAPPK-SDGs in Built Environment

SAPPK-ITB menyelenggarakan webinar kedua bertema Sustainable Development Goals in Built Environment Sesi #8 dengan judul “Strong Culture and Protected Heritage”. Webinar diisi oleh narasumber dari Kelompok Keahlian Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur SAPPK-ITB yaitu Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo Wibowo, S.T., M.T., Kelompok Keahlian Perancangan Arsitektur SAPPK-ITB yaitu Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo, serta Kelompok Keahlian Perencanaan […]

The City in-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality

The City in-Between: Reflections and Outlooks on Urban Informality

In panel discussions with students from various universities, they will give exhibition tours and discuss their work, then Tisna Sanjaya (Visual Artist, Bandung) will convey her perspective through an art lens and the supervisory professors for the project “The City in-Between” discuss conditions of informality, sustainability and resilience (post )pandemic with urban experts from Indonesia […]

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