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Kuliah Tamu, A. Sari Rahmanti: O N C E U P O N A T O W N

Kuliah Tamu, A. Sari Rahmanti: O N C E U P O N A T O W N

Program Studi Magister Arsitektur akan menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu:

an introductory lecture to selected masterplanning projects by Architecten Achtergael/ BE

Pada Hari Kamis 18 Oktober 2012, 09:00-10:40. Guest speakerย Aryani Sari Rahmanti (on behalf of Architecten Achtergael), dan yang menjadi host and moderator arsitek Baskoro Tedjo (AR5131, Arsitektur dan Budaya Kontemporer). Kuliah tamu ini terbuka untuk umum, ย tidak perlu mendaftar. Alumni AR-ITB diundang untuk hadir.

Tentang Aryani Sari Rahmanti:

Aryani Sari Rahmanti was born in Bandung, Indonesia, the city of Indische architecture gallery which inspired her to attend the architecture engineering bachelor program at Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology). After her graduation in 2003, she had been working as a practicing architect for various architectural projects. In addition to her work experience, she was mastersโ€™ graduates in Human Settlements; and Urbanism and Strategic Planning (MaUSP) at KU Leuven, Belgium (2011). These three years at ASRO, KU Leuven, was the chance for her to be highly involved not only in the study programs themselves, but also in a number of international workshops and competitions, urbanism researches, and publications. She has been learning to go through a multi-cultural work setting, leading to the broadening of her perspectives on how problems are solved differently from one context to another. Since 2010, she is regularly involved in several urban researches at Latitude (Brussels-Venice); and from 2011 and since 2012, she has been a full time employee for urban planning and design at Architecten Achtergael (Ghent).

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