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Book Chapter: Southeast Asian Houses: Expanding Tradition

Book Chapter: Southeast Asian Houses: Expanding Tradition

Kontributor: Dr. -Ing Himasari Hanan ISBN: 978-1-62412-095-4-53000, Penerbit: Seoul Selection, 2017 Southeast Asian architecture tends to be generalized under one umbrella due to the countries’ common geographical, climatic, and historical context. However, Southeast Asian countries are dissimilar due to their ethnic and religious differences, which led to each country’s own subtle characteristics in housing. In […]

Book Chapter: Perception, Design, and Ecology of the Built Environment

Book Chapter: Perception, Design, and Ecology of the Built Environment

Kontributor: Dr. Indah Widiastuti Feni Kurniati, M.Ars. Penerbit: Springer-Switzerland, 2020 Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment: A Focus on the Global South edited volume is a compilation of the ‘built environment in response to many investigations, analyses and sometimes mere observations of the various dialogues and interactions of the built, in context to […]

Book Chapter: Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representations

Book Chapter: Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representations

Contributors: Dr.-Ing Himasari Hanan & Dwinik Winawangsari Feni Kurniati, M.Ars, Hafsah Salamah, MT., Sri Suryani, M.Sc Publisher: Springer-Singapore, 2019. Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representations is a collection Selected papers from the International ISVS Conference (International Seminar of Vernacular Settlement) held in 2018 and published by Springer-Singapore in 2019.

Buku Cagar Budaya Kota Sawah Lunto

Sawah Lunto City Cultural Heritage Book

Editor (Editor): Dr. Eng Arif Sarwo Wibowo Publisher: ITB The discovery of steam technology in England has given rise to the industrial revolution in Western Europe since the mid-18th century. The city of Sawahlunto is historical evidence of the impact of the industrial revolution in Europe which resulted in the exploration of resources in the eastern part of the world. The interaction of eastern and western culture in this city creates […]

Buku Arsitektur dan Filsafat

Architecture and Philosophy Books

Editor (Editor): Dr. Indah Widiastuti ISBN: 978-602-74872-8-4, Publisher: ITB, 2019 Why is philosophy necessary for architects? What is the mutual relevance between architecture and philosophy, and philosophy and architecture? How can philosophy help architects understand the various contexts surrounding their work and profession – creativity, innovation, ethics, technology and society – especially in the world of architecture in the era of […]

Buku Perspektif Bunga Rampai Karya Kritik Mahasiswa Arsitektur

Anthology Perspective Book, Criticism of Architecture Students

Editor (Editor): Dr. Indah Widiastuti & Ahmad Zuhdi Allam, M.Hum Publisher: ITB, 2020 This book, a collection of architectural criticism essays by students, consists of twelve selected papers from participants in the Architectural Criticism course in the 2018/2019 Academic Year at the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology (SAPPK ITB). In the book […]

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