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Summer Camp 2020

Summer Camp 2020

When: 4 -14 August 2020 Where: ITB campus in Bandung, field trip to Cirebon, West Java and its surrounding areas. Kegiatan Summer Camp merupakan kegiatan kolaboratif antar mahasiswa multidisiplin pada masa liburan perkuliahan untuk mengujicobakan pengetahuan kampus pada masalah nyata di masyarakat. Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung 2 minggu, dengan serangkaian kegiatan workshop, seri perkuliahan publik […]

Pameran Joint Studio: ITB-Melbourne University-University of Stuttgart

Pameran Joint Studio: ITB-Melbourne University-University of Stuttgart

On Friday, 28 February 2020, the Joint Studio Exhibition was opened, featuring the work of students from three universities, namely ITB, University of Melbourne, and University of Stuttgart. The exhibition was opened directly by the Dean of the University of Melbourne, Prof. Julie Willis, after remarks given by the Institute Secretary, Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo and remarks in video form from Prof. […]

Kuliah Tamu 28 Februari 2020- Ardi Jahya

Guest Lecture 28 February 2020- Ardi Jahya

Guest lecture for students participating in Architectural Design Studio IV (AR-3290) invited Ir Ardi Jahya, IAI- Vice President Director of PT. Airmas Asri with a topic entitled: "Synergy of Design Concepts and Building Systems in Commercial Building Design". This guest lecture is needed to provide insight into the importance of understanding building systems including the principles of structure, utility and […]

Ekskursi Menghadiri Acara Future Talk – PT. Semen Indonesia

Excursion Attending Future Talk Event – ​​PT. Indonesian Cement

On Tuesday, February 11 2020, a total of 13 undergraduate students from the Architecture Department of ITB attended an invitation from PT Semen Indonesia at the Semen Indonesia Group Corporate Rebranding Launching event which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center. There are several agendas organized by PT Semen Indonesia. Future Talks is a presentation session entitled Embracing Future Living, with SHAU […]

Kuliah Tamu 14 Februari 2020- Fauzan Noeman

Guest Lecture 14 February 2020- Fauzan Noeman

Guest lecture Friday, 14 February 2020 presented member of the IAI Honorary Council, Ar. Fauzan Noeman, who discussed the topic: "Architects, IAI and the challenges of Codes of Ethics in the Professional World". This guest lecture is aimed at master's students participating in the Professional Ethics course and is open to all students and the public. In his presentation, Mr. Fauzan Noeman explained 37 criteria for architectural education [...]

Kuliah Tamu 31 Januari 2020 – Dr. Toong-Kuan Chan

Guest Lecture January 31 2020 – Dr. Toong-Kuan Chan

Guest lecture on Construction Project Management (AR-3222) on Friday, January 31 2020 was delivered by Dr. Toong-Kuan Chan, senior lecturer from the Melbourne School of Design with the title: "Economics of Building: Material and Technology Choices". This lecture discusses the influence of factors that influence the price of construction: labor, capital and resources which differ from country to country […]

Dialog Profesi IALI Jawa Barat

IALI West Java Professional Dialogue

On Saturday (18/01/2020), IALI West Java Regional Management collaborated with the Landscape Architecture Master's Program from the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology, carrying out an activity program with a seminar and discussion format entitled Professional Dialogue with the theme Water Resilience City: Multi-perspective Views on Urban Flooding. This activity presented two speakers, namely Dr. Dasapta […]

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