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“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

Displaying design studio assignments and architectural workshops, both at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, which were prepared for the KAAB international accreditation visitation at the end of 2024. This exhibition will be held on: ?️ Saturday, 4 Jan to Saturday, 11 Jan 2025 (1 week only!) ⏰ 09.00-16.00 WIB ? AR Gallery ITB, Labtek IX-B 1st floor, ITB [...]

Sayembara Nasional Tugas Akhir Arsitektur : Placemaking dan Alternative Space

National Architecture Final Assignment Competition: Placemaking and Alternative Space

The ITB School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPK), will hold a National Architecture Final Project Competition with the theme: Placemaking and Alternative Space. The following are the conditions for the 2022 National Architecture Final Project Competition. PARTICIPANTS Who can take part in this competition are undergraduate students from architectural disciplines or those related to the themes of placemaking and Alternative Space. Students can come from all universities in Indonesia. Student […]

Tim NBRI-ITB Meraih Juara Dua Kompetisi National Green Building Council Ideas 2021 by GBCI dan World GBC

The NBRI-ITB Team Wins Second Place in the 2021 National Green Building Council Ideas Competition by GBCI and World GBC

Congratulations to: Shafira Ramadhani Busono – Architecture of the Bandung Institute of Technology, Muhammad Isa Tsaqif – Architecture of the Bandung Institute of Technology, and Moh. Wahyu Syaiful M – National Battery Research Institute has won second place in the 2021 National Green Building Council Ideas Competition by GBCI and World GBC. This event was held to gather ideas regarding themes […]

Sayembara Desain Gedung Pasar Godean Kabupaten Sleman

Godean Market Building Design Competition, Sleman Regency

Currently, the area around Godean Market feels very chaotic and less organized, especially in terms of trade circulation, parking and public transportation. From visual observation, it can be seen that there is an overload of various community activities, especially in the morning and afternoon. The physical condition of the Godean Market building is very worrying with many parts of the stalls, booths, toilets and offices suffering from cracks and no longer [...]

Juara 1 dan Juara 2 Kompetisi Internasional ASHRAE 2020

1st Place and 2nd Place in the 2020 ASHRAE International Competition

Two teams of architecture students who collaborated with students from other study programs at ITB succeeded in winning the ASHRAE 2020 Student Design Competition as 1st place and 2nd place in the Applied Engineering Challenge category. This competition is an international competition organized by ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) for students […]

Juara dan Best Speaker dalam World University Debating Championships (WUDC) 2020

Champion and Best Speaker in the 2020 World University Debating Championships (WUDC).

The ITB team through M. Ilham Akbar (Architecture) and Vincentius Michael (Mathematics) succeeded in winning the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) category competition at the 2020 World University Debating Championships (WUDC) competition in Thailand with the winner category having critical thinking and public skills. speaking and broad knowledge. The 2020 World University Debating Championships (WUDC) competition itself is divided into two […]

Juara 1 Sayembara Desain Arsitektur Arrival 2019

Juara 1 Sayembara Desain Arsitektur Arrival 2019

Selamat kepada tim mahasiswa Arsitektur ITB: Azizah Rahmazahra Harsanto dan Rafidah Azzar Dea yang menjadi Juara 1 dalam kompetisi desain Arrival 2019 di Program Studi teknik Arsitektur Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang. Sayembara Arrival adalah kompetisi desain arsitektur oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang yang bertujuan mendorong mahasiswa untuk menggunakan […]

Juara Sayembara ILDSC 2019

Juara Sayembara ILDSC 2019

Selamat kepada Dadang Trio Setiawan, 15216084 bersama tim desain mahasiswa ITB dan UPI menjadi Juara 2 dan Juara Favorit dalam Indonesia Landscape Design Student Competition (ILDSC) 2019. Indonesia Landscape Design Student Competition (ILDSC) merupakan kompetisi desain arsitektur lanskap se-Indonesia yang diadakan dua tahun sekali oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Lanskap (Himaskap), Institut Pertanian Bogor. Sebelumnya merupakan […]

Juara 1 Sayembara ACSENT 2019

Juara 1 Sayembara ACSENT 2019

Selamat kepada Kahfi Aziz Abdillah, NIM 15216032 yang berhasil menjadi juara 1 dalam sayembara ACSENT 2019 di Universitas Udayana, Bali. ACSENT 2019 merupakan sayembara desain koridor jalan yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Universitas Udayana, Denpasar. Koridor jalan yang di desain merupakan pilihan dari masing-masing tim di berbagai kota nya masing-masing. Dapat meliputi daerah pariwisata, komersil, maupun […]

Juara 2 Geoscience Industrial Week, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Juara 2 Geoscience Industrial Week, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Selamat kepada Edly Tsara Nabilah, 15216034 yang bersama rekan-rekan tim ITB yang terdiri dari mahasiswa program studi Geofisika, program studi Geologi dan program studi Teknik Sipil, berhasil menjadi Juara 2 dalam “Quake it Off” Geoscience Industrial Week 2019 yang dilaksanakan oleh University of Malaya, Malaysia. Kompetisi ini mengenai desain bangunan tahan gempa dan konsep mitigasi bencana. […]

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