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Inspirasi, Ilmu, dan Kolaborasi!

Inspiration, Knowledge, and Collaboration!

ITB Architecture Study Program Shares: Inspiration, Knowledge, and Collaboration! From student exhibitions to accreditation workshops and technical guidance, ITB Architecture Study Program continues to share knowledge and experience of the KAAB international accreditation process! KAAB Visitation Exhibition – A space for exploring architectural ideas and innovations from various levels of study. International Accreditation Technical Guidance – Strengthening the quality of domestic architectural education […]

Kuliah Lapangan AR’20 Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka

AR'20 Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka Field Lecture

– Visits to dozens of selected architectural objects in 3 cities with observations on the significance of architecture and building systems (technology and utilities) – Discussions with professors and visits to the Architecture Program on campus regarding the curriculum and studio culture at 3 campuses: @waseda_university @sciencetokyo_en @kyotouniversity – As well as dialogues with Architectural firms and studio tours at @nikkensekkei_global and Kengo […]

Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Arsitektur menjalankan exchange di CEPT India

Students of the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program conducted an exchange at CEPT India

Currently, three students of the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program – International Pathway Class of 2022 are running an exchange at CEPT India during Semester 2 – FY 2024/2025. Good luck! Are you ready to follow in their footsteps as students of ITB Architecture – International Pathway? Keep an eye on how to register on https://admission.itb.ac.id/id/

Ekskursi Menghadiri Acara Future Talk – PT. Semen Indonesia

Excursion Attending Future Talk Event – ​​PT. Indonesian Cement

On Tuesday, February 11 2020, a total of 13 undergraduate students from the Architecture Department of ITB attended an invitation from PT Semen Indonesia at the Semen Indonesia Group Corporate Rebranding Launching event which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center. There are several agendas organized by PT Semen Indonesia. Future Talks is a presentation session entitled Embracing Future Living, with SHAU […]

Kunjungan Alumni Angkatan 1957

Kunjungan Alumni Angkatan 1957

Pada Senin, 29 Juli 2019, sejumlah delapan orang alumni arsitektur angkatan 1957  mengunjungi Program Studi Arsitektur ITB. Para alumni yang rata-rata berusia di atas 80 tahun itu ingin bernostalgia mengunjungi sekolah yang lebih dari 50 tahun telah ditinggalkan,  dan mendengar informasi tentang perkembangan pendidikan arsitektur di ITB. Diantara rombongan terdapat dosen-dosen purnabakti Arsitektur ITB yakni: […]

Kunjungan Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Negeri Semarang

Kunjungan Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Negeri Semarang

Pada Rabu, 26 Juni 2019, Program Studi Arsitektur ITB menerima kunjungan dari Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Ir. Teguh Prihanto, MT. Kunjungan ini bertujuan untuk berdiskusi mengenai tata kelola pendidikan  arsitektur, kesempatan dalam Program Permata, serta pengembangan riset dan studio antara Arsitektur ITB dan Arsitektur UNNES. Rombongan diterima oleh […]

Kunjungan Program Magister Arsitektur UGM

Kunjungan Program Magister Arsitektur UGM

Kamis 4 April 2019 rombongan 19 mahasiswa Program Magister Arsitektur Universitas Gajah Mada dibimibing Bapak Dr. Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M.Eng. (Kadep Arsitektur dan Perencanaan UGM) dan Ibu Ardhya Nareswari, ST., MT., Ph.D. melakukan kunjugan ke Arsitektur ITB. Kunjungan ini dilakukan dalam rangka sharing hasil penelitian mahasiswa mengenai permukiman pasca bencana. Acara dimulai dengan presentasi […]

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