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“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

“Architecture ITB Student Works Exhibition”

Displaying design studio assignments and architectural workshops, both at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, which were prepared for the KAAB international accreditation visitation at the end of 2024. This exhibition will be held on: ?️ Saturday, 4 Jan to Saturday, 11 Jan 2025 (1 week only!) ⏰ 09.00-16.00 WIB ? AR Gallery ITB, Labtek IX-B 1st floor, ITB [...]

Parametric Approach as Design Generator | William Suyoto

William Suyoto | 25212012 Master of Architecture | Design Thesis Published as [Parametric Approach as a Tool for Decision-making in Planning and Design Process] 5th Arte Polis International Conference and Workshop Abstract This study offers discrete method in parametric design to solve problems during design process (programming, site planning, massing, structure planning, and facade planning). This study is applied […]

Representasi Pergerakan dalam Desain Parametrik | Dany Nugroho

Representasi Pergerakan dalam Desain Parametrik sebagai Pendekatan Perancangan Pusat Perbelanjaan di Jalan Merdeka Bandung | Tesis Program Studi Magister Arsitektur SAPPK – ITB Dany Nugroho Dwiantoro | 25213038 Gambaran Umum Perancangan Perkembangan teknologi digital membuka berbagai kemungkinan baru dalam dunia arsitektur. Perangkat pemodelan parametrik seperti grasshopper dikembangkan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis berbasis logika dalam pencarian bentuk […]

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