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Berita Duka Cita


Innalillaahi wa inna ilaihi rooji'uun Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'aafihi wa'fu'anhu ITB Architecture Study Program, expresses its condolences for the passing of: Mr. M. Soeyono bin Aboe Talib (father of Mr. Tri Yuwono) on Friday, March 19 2021 at 06.39 at Carolus Hospital, Jakarta. May the deceased be forgiven for all his mistakes and accept all his good deeds and obtain a high degree in […]



The Bandung Institute of Technology School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development will hold SAPPD TALK with the tagline "Stay Positive, Productive, Competitive" on Friday, March 19 2021 at 16.00 - 17.00 WIB via zoom meeting. The event will be attended by SAPPD students from both architecture and regional and city planning study programs. Speaker Roiswahid Dimas Pangestu (AR […]

Kuliah Tamu SAPPK #3

SAPPK Guest Lecture #3

The Bandung Institute of Technology's School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development held a TPB #3 Guest Lecture with Mrs. Yurina Rahmanisa ST. (Principal Architect Placebo) and Mrs. Ika Retna Wulandary, ST., M.Sc (Plt. Regional Director III Deputy for Regional Development, BAPPENAS) with presentation and discussion topics regarding: job description of each profession, scope and challenges of work, career opportunities, and […]

Kuliah Tamu AR4213 – Pelestarian Arsitektur: Pelestarian Bangunan Cagar Budaya, Studi Kasus Masjid Langgar Tinggi, Jakarta

Guest Lecture AR4213 – Architectural Preservation: Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings, Case Study of the Langgar Tinggi Mosque, Jakarta

The ITB Architecture Study Program held a guest lecture AR4213 – Architectural Conservation, with Mr. Danang Triratmoko, IAI, with the topic: Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings, Case Study of the Langgar Tinggi Mosque, Jakarta. The lecture was held Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 07.00-08.40 WIB via Zoom for students participating in the lecture. Other participants can join via YouTube at the ITB Architecture Study Program.

Kuliah Umum RK5211 Studi Kasus dalam Rancang Kota: Pengalaman dalam penyusunan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN) Danau Toba

Public Lecture RK5211 Case Study in City Design: Experience in preparing a Detailed Spatial Plan for the Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN)

Public Lecture RK5211 Case Studies in City Design with Mrs. Ir. DS Pangestuti Harianto, MCRP with the topic Experience in preparing the Detailed Spatial Plan for the Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN). The public lecture will be held on Tuesday 16 March 2021 via zoom (open to internal members).

Berita Duka Cita


Condolence News: Mrs. Lindari Karman (age 92 years) (Mother of Dr.-Ing. Ir. Himasari Hanan, MAE.) On Thursday, March 11 2021, at 20.32 WIB The extended family of the ITB Architecture Study Program, express their condolences deep desires. May he find peace, and the family left behind will be given patience.

Webinar Program Pascasarjana

Postgraduate Program Webinar

Postgraduate Program Webinar Saturday, March 20 2021 at 08.00-12.00 WIB Participant registration is no later than March 15 2021 at the following link: S.id/webinarspitb Activity schedule 08.00-09.00 WIB LPDP/LIPI Scholarship Information 09.00-11.00 WIB ITB Faculty/School Information 11. 00-12.00 GTA ITB Scholarship Information Further information YouTube : Graduate School ITB Instagram : @graduateschoolitb Twitter : @graduateitbweb : sps.itb.ac.id

Peringkat Arsitektur ITB pada QS World University Rankings 2021

ITB Architecture Ranking in QS World University Rankings 2021

QS World University Rankings released rankings of universities in the world based on subjects in 2021. Based on indicators and scores from four categories (academic, employer, citations, and H-Index), the ITB Architecture Study Program is ranked 151-200 in the world, and achieved ninth place in ASEAN and first at the national level. As for the nine other Study Programs at ITB [...]

Bunga Rampai makalah 2013-2018 AR6131 Arsitektur Kontemporer Dunia

Anthology of papers 2013-2018 AR6131 World Contemporary Architecture

This 2013-2018 AR6131 World Contemporary Architecture Anthology paper presents papers from students participating in the AR6131 World Contemporary Architecture course selected from a compilation collected over a period of five years during the 2013-2018 curriculum period. Contemporary World Architecture is an elective course within the Master of Architecture Study Program, School of Architecture Planning and Development […]

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