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"COVIDTECTURE: How Architecture Students See Pandemic" is the agenda for ITB architecture students class of 2018. In this agenda, students are expected to participate in activities in the form of internal competitions related to how architecture responds to the challenges of the pandemic crisis. This activity seeks to spark ideas and celebrate architecture as a form of knowledge that is always interesting to continue to explore together. Like Le Corbusier's theories [...]

Dialog Profesi IALI Jawa Barat

IALI West Java Professional Dialogue

On Saturday (18/01/2020), IALI West Java Regional Management collaborated with the Landscape Architecture Master's Program from the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology, carrying out an activity program with a seminar and discussion format entitled Professional Dialogue with the theme Water Resilience City: Multi-perspective Views on Urban Flooding. This activity presented two speakers, namely Dr. Dasapta […]

Omah Buka Lawang: Bedah Buku Omah 25 Oktober 2019

Omah Buka Lawang: Bedah Buku Omah 25 Oktober 2019

Program Studi Arsitektur ITB bekerjasama dengan Omah Library menyelenggarakan acara Bedah Buku Omah yang menghadirkan para arsitek muda yang menulis beberapa buku untuk memperkaya khazanah literatur arsitektur di Indonesia. Indonesia darurat literasi. Hasil survey UNESCO menunjukkan indeks membaca kita sekitar 0,001%. Itu berarti hanya ada 1 dari 1.000 orang yang memiliki minat baca. Rendahnya minat baca […]

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